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So there's a press statement from Edo State government denying hosting
BBA winner, Dillish, last weekend. Well, they kinda have a point...they
can say the government didn't host her, but Governor Adams Oshiomhole
hosted her...and that's fact! She wasn't hosted at the government house,
but the governor's private house in Edo state. Dillish and a few other
girls were there on Saturday October 19th (for those wondering why she
didn't make an appearance at Selly's party in Abuja that day) and I have
the low down of everything that went down but I will leave all that out
because after all said and done, Gov Oshimhole is a single man. I can
also tell you one thing for free, Dillish gave a condition for accepting
the invitation..she would
only pay a courtesy visit and nothing more. All parties agreed!
Read the press statement after the cut...
attention has been drawn to a news report in Daily Independent of
Friday, October 25, 2013, where one Mr. Eddie Iroh was quoted as
expressing displeasure on a rumoured hosting of Dillish, the winner of
Big Brother Africa. In the said report, Eddie Iroh was said to have
“condemned the Governor for spending state’s funds so recklessly”.
The report added that “ the likes of Governors Oshiomhole,
Fashola and Dickson who are in the habit of dipping their hands into
public funds on such ventures should have known that in civilized
climes, such celebrations were funded from the Governors’pockets and
not public funds”. How libelous!
From the above, it is obvious
that Mr. Eddie Iroh is suffering from brain wave. First, it would have
been a thing of interest for Edo State Government to host the said BBA
winner, Dillish, to justify her well-advertised declaration in the BBA
House that Edo State people are very hospitable. That in itself was a
global endorsement that is purely priceless. Again, if Dillish would
agree, as a BBA ambassador, Edo State Government would be willing to
host her in future to prove to cynics and naysayers like Eddie Iroh that
Edo State is indeed, not only hospitable, but also a safe haven for
those who intend to do legitimate business in the State. It will be a
departure from orchestrated and concocted stories often peddled by
jobless people like Eddie Iroh, who rather than devote their old age to
reflect on their absurdities when they called the shots, have now taken
to the cyber space for surfing cheap gossip, chit-chat and unfounded
To the best of our knowledge, Edo State did not
host Dillish in whatever material particular. This could be verified
from the Governor’s daily routines which are usually available for
public consumption and can be confirmed from the Protocol Department of
the Governor’s Office or Government House. Mr. Eddie Iroh’s comment is
pure hallucination. Eddie Iroh’s story is an open sore that is festered
with several incongruities, inanities, ambiguities and failing memory.
He should provide evidence to show that Governor Oshiomhole dips his
hands into public funds to host his private visitors or simply keep his
mouth shut. We have gone past the age of Eddie Iroh, an age of those men
of yesterday, who abused public institutions they presided over, to
fest their nest at the expense of tax payers’ money. In Edo State, we
are not only accountable to the people; we have also earned their
respect and trust.